Not religious almost as high as Catholics

Not belonging to any religion is fast becoming a major belief in itself.

The latest figures show that a third of the population in 2021 didn’t belong to any religious group – making it the second biggest group after the Catholic Church. 

But only just, Catholics make up 33% - no religion make up 32%. That’s according to the Federal Statistics Office. 

The number of people saying they don’t believe has been rising steadily since the 1970s, but it seems it is accelerating. Even in the year 2000, only 11% had no religion. 

But Switzerland is actually quite religious when compared to our neighbours. More than half in France say they have no-religion. 

Even if someone says they don’t follow an established belief structure – that doesn’t mean they have no spirituality. A third of the non-religious group do describe themselves as spiritual.

Many whom have ditched the classic religions tend to be younger, better educated and live in cities.

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