While mobile technology moves forwards – sometimes with some controversy especially regarding 5G – older platforms are being discontinued.
Now elderly 2G systems have almost gone – Sunrise is the only network that still uses it, but they will shut that down early next year.
That move has gone largely unnoticed as everyone had moved off it anyway. The next stage maybe more disruptive.
Swisscom and Sunrise say they will start switching off 3G networks in 2025. The main reasoning is that 4G and 5G networks are far more efficient and use less electricity – and most people would have changed their phones by that time anyway.
But it’s not just phones.
Tech experts say there are systems that use 3G that need to be upgraded.
Many household alarm and automation systems are linked by 3G, as are elevator emergency phone systems and some older car satellite navigation systems.
Also, older trackers which are used to trace stolen items such as bikes or luggage, will become obsolete.
It’s worth making sure that anything that links to the phone network is operating on at least 4G and above.
6G is expected to be released towards the end of the decade.