Generational gap on Ukraine response

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A major survey is showing younger people in Switzerland believe this country should take a more neutral stance on the war in Ukraine than those over 55.

Nearly half – 49% - of those aged between 18 and 35 are opposed to re-exporting arms to Ukraine and 35% say Switzerland shouldn’t be applying EU sanctions against Russia.   

But only 22% of those over 55 hold similar views – most believe we should be doing more.

The survey was carried out by the Sonntagsblick with the Sotomo Institute newspaper. 

The institute’s director, Michael Hermannm says the generational difference could be explained by older people remembering the Soviet Union – which was cast as the enemy for many years- and older people tend to consume traditional media which is generally pro-Ukraine.

Younger people are online where they are confronted by pro-Russia perspectives. 

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